Home Business Reducing Food Waste: Macro Partners with Fazla through Strategic Collaboration Agreement

Reducing Food Waste: Macro Partners with Fazla through Strategic Collaboration Agreement

Makro firma un acuerdo de colaboración con Fazla para reducir el desperdicio alimentario

Makro and FAZLA Sign Collaboration Agreement to Achieve Zero Waste in All Facilities

Makro, a leading company in multi-channel wholesale distribution to the hospitality industry, has signed a collaboration agreement with FAZLA, a company specializing in waste management that combines technology and support in day-to-day operations, to achieve zero waste in its 37 centers and 3 logistics platforms in Spain. This agreement is a significant step in Makro’s commitment to developing a sustainable business model and reducing waste, particularly food waste, in all its facilities.

Collaboration to Donate Food and Achieve Zero Waste

Through this partnership, Makro will donate daily to social entities the products from its centers and platforms that are close to their expiry date. These foods, which are in perfect condition for consumption, will be distributed to families at risk of social exclusion through the different entities with which FAZLA collaborates, reaching more than 6,600 people every day.

Makro to Donate Around 1,000 Tons of Food Per Year

As a result of this alliance, Makro will donate approximately 1,000 tons of food per year, which means avoiding the emission of 2,500 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, the equivalent of 2,716 flights between Madrid and New York.

Project Already Implemented in 75% of Establishments

As of today, this project is already implemented in more than 75% of Makro establishments and is expected to be active in all of its centers and platforms in the coming months. Throughout the collaboration, FAZLA will digitalize the donation process, ensuring live traceability and quality of donated products, without altering Makro’s operational processes.

Compliance with New Draft Law and Sustainable Development Goals

With this alliance, Makro ensures compliance with the new draft Law on the Prevention of Food Loss and Waste, approved by the Council of Ministers on January 9, and the Sustainable Development Goals, helping to meet important goals such as halving global food waste by 2030 (SDG 12.3) and establishing strategic alliances to join forces and achieve the goals (SDG 17).

Quote from Eduardo Pérez, Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability at Makro

"At Makro, we are clear when we talk about our growth objectives, but also when we point out that we do not want to grow in any old way, but in a sustainable way and under a business model that is respectful of the environment and the communities in which we operate, and inclusive from a social point of view. We will not achieve these objectives alone, but rather accompanied by collaborators who share the same vision and commitment as us, as is the case of FAZLA."

Quote from Juan Peñas, Business Development Director at FAZLA

"To end food waste, we have to continue joining forces with the major players in the sector and we are very pleased to have strategic allies in this mission such as Makro. As leaders in wholesale distribution, their commitment to reducing food waste is key to moving towards zero waste in the sector and generating the greatest possible triple impact (social, environmental and economic). FAZLA’s job is to be the link between the receiving entities and Makro, ensuring traceability, the quality of the products at every stage of the donation process and the food safety of the people who receive them."

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