In a school in Kanpur, children were asked to recite the word, which some parents and Hindu organizations have objected to and filed a complaint with the police.
In India, where extremists in the previous BJP government have made life difficult for minorities, especially Muslims, to fulfill their slogan of Hindutva, and the whole country is currently in the grip of Hindu extremism, there is something against a school in Kanpur. Hindu extremist organizations have created a new controversy.
According to Indian media, some Hindu extremist organizations have alleged that a school in Kanpur is teaching Hindu children to recite the Kalima.
According to the report, children at ‘Florets International School’ were asked to recite the kalma during morning prayers, which some parents and Hindu organizations have objected to. A complaint has also been lodged with the police that the school is imposing a religion on the students.
After receiving the complaint, the police reached the school and found out that the school teaches not only the word but also the prayers of Hindus and Sikhs. The school management said that the institute was established in 2003 and since then Gayatri Mantra, Gurbani and Kalama are taught here in the morning assembly.
After Hindu extremists objected to this initiative of religious tolerance which has been going on for a decade in the school, the principal of the school Sumit Mukhija has said that after this controversy, the management has now decided that only the national anthem should be sung in the morning assembly. will
Principal Mukhija said, “This has been the tradition in this school for years. In the school diary, verses and verses related to all major religions including Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam are written, with the aim of giving equal respect to all religions. .