Home Sports Haaland’s exit clauses at Manchester City

Haaland’s exit clauses at Manchester City

Haaland's exit clauses at Manchester City

As reported by the Spanish newspaper Marca, Erling Braut Haaland He has two exit clauses in his new contract with the Manchester City, a club that took over his services in this summer transfer market from Borussia Dortmund. Two clauses that he and his agent managed to impose to be masters of their own destiny in the coming years, a case similar to the one he had in Salzburg (20 million euros) and Borussia Dortmund (70 million euros).

Erling Haaland has a contract until the summer of 2027, but it seems that he has two keys to leave before the end of his contract and without the other club having to negotiate with Manchester City in the process. But, unlike the ones he had at his previous clubs, they are linked to the player’s sporting success with Pep Guardiola’s team. They are nothing to write home about or, at least, that is what the Marca newspaper says.

The exit clauses that Erling Haaland has at Manchester City

-The first clause would be activated in the summer of 2024 and would come out for 200 million euros.

-The second clause would be activated in the summer of 2025 and would come out for 175 million euros.

If everything goes smoothly, the Norwegian striker will be able to leave in 2024 or 2025 if a club can pay the prices stipulated above. Real Madrid is one of those interested in taking over his services in the short term to replace Karim Benzema.

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