Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3: Will Poulter cast as Adam Warlock?

Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3 will be an essential film of phase 4 of the Marvel cinematic universe. Seven years after volume 2 (release expected in 2023), this new opus will be chronologically located nine years after the Guardians vol.2, four years later Avengers: Endgame and only some time after Thor 4, which will be released during the year 2022. The synopsis seems for the moment carefully kept under lock and key even if we were able to benefit from several crisp information. For example, James gunn confirmed that an essential character on the team could go from life to death. If he did not, on the other hand, announce that the plot would revolve around the search for the Gamora from 2014, Gunn might be forced to deal with a few things discussed in vol.2.

The post-credits scene of the 2017 film, in fact, ushered in the birth ofAdam warlock, which seems to be guarded (or created) by the priestess Ayesha, who wanted the elimination of Guardians of the Galaxy. This overpowering character could therefore make his arrival in this new film, which could well be the last signed James Gunn.

James Gunn announces the return of a character in Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3

A rumor started by the account Twitter @Collectaholic_ assumes the arrival of the actor Will Poulter (The Revenant, The Maze Runner) to embody the character. The media announced that it had obtained more concrete information allowing this track to be considered quite tangible. It was also picked up by the reporter Daniel Richtman, reputed to often have solid information on the world of MCU.

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This rumor also claims that the 28-year-old actor, who recently dropped his stint in the Amazon Lord of the Rings series for “Scheduling conflicts”, could have favored the role ofAdam warlock, especially since the two shootings would have overlapped (Amazon is said to have considered filming the first two seasons of the series in one block). Poulter has not made a movie since Black Mirror: Bandersnatch in 2018 for Netflix and Ari Aster’s Midsommar in 2019.

For the moment, these rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, awaiting official confirmation from James Gunn, Marvel Studios or the principal concerned. For Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3, it will be necessary to wait until May 2023.

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