Home Sports Griezmann is already an Atlético de Madrid player

Griezmann is already an Atlético de Madrid player

Griezmann is already an Atlético de Madrid player

The Atletico Madrid and the FC Barcelona They have been the great protagonists of the last hours after the Barça club threatened the mattresses with taking them to court for the ‘case Griezmann‘. All the controversy arises from a clause by which, once a certain amount of minutes has been reached, the Madrid team is obliged to pay 40 million euros to Barça when a mandatory purchase option is opened.

The team chaired by Enrique Cerezo alleges that during the two-year loan, Griezmann has not played the relevant minutes in the global calculation, which is why the Frenchman only appears in the final minutes of each match. However, FC Barcelona alleges that these minutes counted during the first year of assignment and that, once completed within that period, there is no possible reduction for the current season, so the Catalans demand that Atlético fulfill their part.

Xavi: “Griezmann is an Atlético de Madrid player”

Xavi Hernández was questioned about this issue at a press conference and, although at first he was suspicious in his response, the truth is that he dropped that Barça considers Griezmann an Atlético de Madrid player: “It’s a club issue, It’s not up to me, the clubs must talk. In fact, we think that he is already an Atlético de Madrid player”. The Blaugrana coach hinted that, therefore, he seconded the club’s opinion of him and that he did not have Griezmann in the Blaugrana squad.

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