Home Tech Google Photos Gets Great AI-Powered Search Feature

Google Photos Gets Great AI-Powered Search Feature

storage service and back of images and videos of Google It is, most likely, the best and most practical solution on the market. Largely thanks to the constant improvements that come to the applications of google photos by android Is for iOS (iPhone).

The problem is the high possibility that the application will receive a new search function based on the detected face. That is, based on the faces recognized by the AI ​​algorithms present on the platform, we may have a new search filter in the application.

Search based on faces detected by Google Photos

The news was detected by the publication. android police who, exploring one of the beta versions of the app, in this case for Android, noticed the new search “filter”.

This is a major interface change insofar as it will replace one of the icons present in the bottom bar of the app, namely the search icon🇧🇷

google photos
New search function based on icons and faces. Credit: AndroidPolice🇧🇷

As the publication specialized in the work of the Android system mentions, the Google Photos application could very soon receive a new filter and the possibility of advanced search. It will be mediated by artificial intelligence and will recognize similar faces as a new search criteria.

It should be noted that at the moment it is possible to find albums and selections of photographs grouped by Google Photos itself based on this same criteria. However, at this time this is not a feature present in the search available to the user.

This fact should change with an update of the application for Android and iOS (iPhone), which allows the use of a specific person’s face as search criteria. That is, find more photos in which that person is also present.

The search function will come to the application for Android and iOS (iPhone)

New search filter based on face. Credit: AndroidPolice🇧🇷

The new search function within Google Photos will use, as an artificial intelligence system, the Google Lens engine for quick recognition of not only objects, as illustrated above, but also faces in the future.

That is, taking this AI “brain” and adapting it to find similar faces in our photo catalogues, rather than similar products for sale on the Internet.

In short, it will be an easier way to find a certain person, if we already have at least one photograph of their face in our Google Photos collection. At the moment, this function is in the testing phase, available only to a select group of users of the platform.

That being said, we don’t have a concrete prediction of his arrival. However, if it does happen, it should be available for Android and iOS mobile devices.

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