Google defends being “the best search engine” on the first day of the antitrust case

The trial against Google, which belongs to the Alphabet Group, began this Tuesday with the declaration of John Schmidtlein, attorney defending the company in this casewho has argued that users choose Google as the default search engine for their browsers and smartphones because it is the bestAnd not because of a lack of competition.

On the first day of the trial in Washington, which is expected to last ten weeks, Schmidtlein asserted that consumers use Google “because.” offers them added value, not because they have to“.

The partner at Williams & Connolly LLP, who is also a partner at Williams & Connolly LLP, has rejected the US Department of Justice’s claims that Google exploited its market power, and Billions of dollars in exclusive deals with web browsersto illegally block rivals.

“Users have options and it’s easy to change. Google is the first search engine in itself,” affirmed the lawyer.

The government’s accusation

The trial over alleged monopoly power is the first in more than two decades pitting the U.S. government against an American technology company. According to the US Department of Justice Google is currently paying more than $10 billion (9,333 million euros) per year continues to be the default search engine in web and mobile browsers, which has provoked a reaction from the antitrust authorities of the world’s leading power.

For the prosecution, Kenneth Dintzer, a government lawyer, said the evidence supports this Google acted solely to block competitors“.

Dintzer pointed out in his statement that the company had “weaponized” the use of By default it discourages your rivals and exercised its market power by blocking search options from Apple that were better than Google as the default browser on its computers, phones and other devices.

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