Despite the Russian threat, Germany still refuses to deliver arms to Ukraine. But the government announced on Wednesday that it would provide 5,000 military helmets, drawing criticism and ridicule in Ukraine and in the ranks of the opposition.
“It’s equipment, it’s not weapons,” German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said. “But it helps, it provides support. And that is exactly how we will continue to work in this conflict. […] It is a very clear signal: we are at your side. »
A “cynical” and “embarrassing” delivery, according to the opposition
This announcement immediately aroused sarcasm and criticism. “It’s an absolute joke”, reacted the mayor of Kiev, questioned by Picture. “What is Germany going to send next in support? Pillows? The behavior of the German federal government leaves you speechless. »
The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany also reacted, saying that this announcement did not change anything about the need for weapons in his country. “It’s just a drop in the bucket, it’s not even a consolation prize,” he said. Ditto on the side of the opposition to the government, which described the announcement as “cynical” and “embarrassing”.
The German government has been heavily criticized since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis for the vagueness of its positions. He is suspected of wanting to spare Russia, with which he is carrying out the major Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. Chancellor Olaf Scholz recalled on Tuesday that Germany refused to deliver weapons on principle, a choice linked in particular to its responsibility in the Second World War.