After 22 years from Gadar Ek Prem Katha, which was released in 2001, Gadar 2 hit the big screen on August 11th. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film again starred Sunny Deol as Tara Singh and Ameesha Patel as Sakin, and the pair once again made a splash at the box office. Although Gadar 2 collided with Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2, Sunny’s film performed brilliantly at the box office and broke all grossing records. In the fourth week, too, the film did a decent job. Let us know how many crores did Gadar 2 earn on the 24th day of its release?
In addition to Sunny and Ameesha, Gadar 2’s all-star cast also includes Utkarsh Sharma, Manish Wadhwa, Simrat Kaur and Gaurav Chopra. The film did extremely well at the box office from day one and has already raked in quite a bit in its fourth week of release. While “Gadar 2” grossed 5.2 crores on the fourth Friday, the film earned rupees 5.72 crores on the fourth Saturday. At the same time, on the 24th day of the release of “Gadar 2”, that is, the first numbers of the fourth Sunday have arrived.
- According to Saknilk’s early trend report, “Gadar 2” has grossed 8.50 crores on the 24th day of its release, which is the fourth Sunday.
- This brings the total collection of the film for 24 days now to 501.87 crore rupees.
We would like to inform you that Gadar 2 is the third film to enter the net club of 500 crores (in Hindi). After SS Rajamouli’s “Bahubali 2 The Conclusion” (2017) and Shahrukh Khan’s “Pathan”, Gadar 2 has now passed the 500 crore mark. Interestingly, of all three films, Gadar 2 is the film that accomplished this historic feat the fastest. Previously, Pathan was the fastest film to hit the 500 crore club in 28 days, while Baahubali 2 managed the feat in 34 days.