Home World Francisco ordered that Juan Pablo I be beatified by a miracle in...

Francisco ordered that Juan Pablo I be beatified by a miracle in Argentina

Francis enabled this Wednesday the beatification of John Paul I, who was Pope for 33 days in 1978, by authorizing the issuance of a decree that recognizes the intervention as a miracle of the former head of the Catholic Church in the healing of a girl in Argentina.

According to the Vatican, the miracle recognized by the Pope is about theHealing of an 11-year-old girl in Buenos Aires, on July 23, 2011, who suffered from “severe acute inflammatory encephalopathy, malignant refractory epileptic disease, septic shock.”

Francis’ measure that paves the way for beatification and was given within the framework of an audience granted this Wednesday morning to Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, in which he authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate a decree that acknowledge that miracle.

The date of the beatification, once the administrative instances have been fulfilled, will be set by the Pope.

The miracle of John Paul I in Argentina

In 2011, a girl native of Paraná, Corrientes, had a severe clinical picture with numerous daily epileptic seizures and a septic state caused by bronchopneumonia. The girl was hospitalized and the doctors told her mother there was nothing else to do.

The woman went to a parish priest in a chapel near the clinic that had held her during the hospitalization. It was he who suggested pray and invoke the figure of Pope John Paul I. From that moment, they counted, the girl’s health improved.

John Paul I and his legacy

Albino luciani He was born on October 17, 1912 in Forno di Canale, Venice, and was Pope between August 26, 1978 and September 28 of that same year. There were many hypotheses surrounding his death until recently official documents confirmed his death due to a heart attack.

In November 2017, Pope Francis had recognized the “heroic virtues” of John Paul I, and left him at the gates of the possibility of becoming blessed, the previous step to holiness.

John Paul I will become the fourth Pope beatified by Francis after Paul VI, in 2014, and John XXII and John Paul II, canonized that same year.


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