franceinfo junior. Why less plastic and how to be more eco-responsible in everyday life?

Emmanuelle Figueras, journalist and youth author, answers children’s questions.

The announcement on the end of plastic for the packaging of certain fruits and vegetables from next January raises many questions among CM2 students of the Saint-Sébastien public elementary school, in Paris, in the 11th arrondissement. arrondissement. Emmanuelle Figueras, journalist and author of numerous books for young people on nature and its preservation, including My little questions-Plastic (Milan editions), answers the children.

“Why the law which prohibits putting plastic bags for certain fruits and vegetables, we did not do it sooner?”, asks 10-year-old Nolan. And “pWhy should we remove packaging from fruits and vegetables and not remove plastics from toothbrushes, laundry detergents and other products? ” Gnioukhourou wonders in turn. Inès, she would like to know how to find replacement packaging and “invent a material which is neither plastic nor paper, and which can be much more reusable and which is not too bad for nature? “. Finally, Gnioukhourou asks the specialist for specific examples: “We children, in our daily life, how can we do to use less plastics and be more environmentally friendly?”

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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