Home World France legally bans wild animals in circuses and mink farms

France legally bans wild animals in circuses and mink farms

France legally bans wild animals in circuses and mink farms

The French Parliament on Thursday gave the final approval to a law that will put an end to the commercial exploitation of wild animals, which will no longer be able to be used in circuses, and also to mink farms raised to take advantage of their fur.

The parliamentary process ended in the Senate with the support for the text of 332 votes, compared to only one against and ten abstentions, which shows the very high degree of consensus, which had also occurred in the National Assembly.

The law against animal abuse strengthens the sanctions against those who do not take adequate care of companion animals, with a much stricter property and regulation regime. In addition, it marks the end of the captivity of wild species for commercial purposes.

For this last point to be fulfilled, within two years the acquisition and reproduction of wild animals will be prohibited and circuses will no longer be able to have any for seven years.

Dolphins used in aquarium shows will also be banned in five years. They can only stay there when they are part of scientific research programs approved by the State.

In the case of mink farms, the ban will take effect as soon as the law is enacted.

In order to have a pet, a "awareness certificate" in which the obligations for their care (veterinary care and vaccination) as well as the derived costs are remembered.

Cats and dogs cannot be displayed for sale in pet stores after 2024.

It is about, among other things, avoiding impulsive purchases that can lead to abandonment. It is estimated that each year there are about 100,000 dropouts.

The mistreatment will be punished with penalties of up to three years in prison and a 45,000 euro fine in the event of death, as well as the withdrawal of the authorization to have other pets.

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation, one of the most mobilized associations in the defense of animal rights in France, welcomed a law that it described as "historical" and that in his opinion allows the country to stop being in the caboose in Europe.

In a message posted on its website, this NGO created by the actress who gives it its name pointed out that it would have liked the legislative text to have gone further with the prohibition of some forms of hunting, bullfights. "or other cruelties".

But understand that in that case the text "would have had no chance of being debated and still less adopted".

Some environmental parliamentarians also would have liked to see more restrictions on farms with industrial dimensions or practices.


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