For the first time Cuquín, Raymond, Miguel and Felipe Polanco will star in a show together

The Alberto Cruz Management company announced the production “2 pa 2”, which will bring together four members of the two most popular generations of comedians of all time on the same stage.

For the first time, the public will have the opportunity to see on the same stage the veterans Cuquín Victoria and Felipe Polanco “Boruga” along with “Los Reyes del Humor”, Raymond Pozo and Miguel Céspedes.

Starting at 8:00 pm, the humorous show “2 pa 2” will be presented at Hard Rock Café Santo Domingo on Saturday, February 12, as an early gift for the Day of Love and Friendship.

“It is a show that will cover the best stories, sketches, songs and anecdotes of four of the most important comedians of all time, which will undoubtedly become one of the most pleasant experiences of Dominican humor,” said Alberto Cruz. , producer of the event.

On their side, Cuquín and Boruga, in addition to highlighting the work of Raymond and Miguel as outstanding members of the generation of comedians that has preceded them, invited the public to have fun with a different show, in which “each of us prepares a repertoire to laugh out loud. They will not regret joining us that great night ”.

Meanwhile, Raymond and Miguel were proud to share the scene with two great comedians such as Cuquín Victoria and Felipe Polanco, whom they defined as two references for the new and future generations of Dominican humor. “Sharing with these two stars, more than a pleasure, is an honor, so we invite the public not to miss this historic gathering.”

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Tickets to enjoy “2 pa 2” are now available at Uepa Tickets and Express Tickets. More information on the phone (809) 318-6225.


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