As more manufacturers introduce models of foldable smartphones in the market, public interest will also continue to rise. In particular, thanks to the models flip relatively more affordable in today’s market.
At the same time, fears about their durability will also be allayed, and the respective foldable phones will improve their build quality.
Healthy growth of foldable smartphones to 2027
That being said, the market analysis agency IDC points out that in a few years its representation in the market will increase significantly.
Although the format has existed for several years, driven mainly by Samsung, the truth is that the sales levels of these products are nowhere near those of conventional smartphones.
The evolution of the market, however, and especially of the industry, should change this reality with folding growing very significantly in the coming years.
Up to 48.1 million foldables on the market by 2027, says IDC
For IDC, in 2027 we will have about 48.1 million folding smartphones in the hands of consumers, according to their market forecasts.
By the way, in the near future, the annual growth rate of sales of these products between the five-year period from 2022 to 2027 is expected to grow to exceed the growth rate of sales of conventional phones on a scale of 10. times.
The format will continue to capture the attention and interest of consumers
It will therefore mean a very considerable crescendo for the most peculiar and daring format of current mobiles, gradually surpassing the traditional format in popularity. Although these conclusions are the result of IDC’s evaluation, they are still predictive of the future, even if instructed.
For comparison, for IDC, the market share for foldable smartphones in 2027 will be 3.5% among all manufacturers combined. This figure currently stands at 1.2% in 2022 (period referring to the most recent data).
Finally, in 2023 the sales of folding should reach 21.4 million units thanks to a slight decrease in the sale price of the products. To this will be added greater durability and a greater range of models to hit the market.