Home World Florian Tardif’s editorial: “The traitor and nothingness, a book on the presidency...

Florian Tardif’s editorial: “The traitor and nothingness, a book on the presidency of Emmanuel Macron”

This Wednesday, Florian Tardif returns in his editorial on the publication of “The traitor and the nothingness”, the new book by Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme published by Fayard. Five years after “A president should not say that …” on François Hollande, the book gives a critical assessment of the five-year term of Emmanuel Macron.

10 years after “Sarko killed me”, 5 after … “A president should not say that”, Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme publish a new investigation on the current President of the Republic: “The traitor and nothingness” to Fayard editions.

This is a critical assessment, over 600 pages, without much revelation. Unlike their previous book, where François Hollande devoted a little more than 60 interviews to them, the two journalists from Le Monde were unable to interview Emmanuel Macron.

“He wanted to do the exact opposite of his predecessor. It is his right, of course. We worked on him, not with him, ”explains Gérard Davet. The book is in fact a neighborhood survey carried out from a hundred interviews, which allows us to draw a robot portrait of Emmanuel Macron from his rise to the exercise of power.

If the two journalists explain that this is not a “dependent investigation”, the inner circle of Emmanuel Macron denounces a selection bias. The book leaves a large place to the opponents of the current president, to the betrayals of the Hollande government (including the former president) and to the disappointed with macronism (Pierre Person, ex number 2 of the party in particular).

Macronism was born from a betrayal, to chart its course, Emmanuel Macron understood, that he had to kill his spiritual father François Hollande. His mentor in politics, the one who gave him his chance by appointing him Deputy Secretary General at the Élysée Palace in 2012, then Minister of the Economy in 2014.

“On Monday August 29, describes Gaspard Gantzer (communication advisor to François Hollande), Macron goes to see Hollande in his office and says to him: ‘Yes but no… no but yes… I am not well, I have no ‘space.’ But he did not tell him: ‘I’m leaving’. And so Hollande said to him: ‘Well, think about it, there you are, and we’ll talk again …’ The next day, Macron broke up by SMS: ‘Listen, I’m leaving “.

At that time, François Hollande lost his Minister of the Economy, who left to form a political movement. “I will support you in the presidential election”, he would have said, according to Gaspard Gantzer, we know the rest of the story. Asked today about the future of macronism, François Hollande does not mince his words: “as there is no political outlet, we are in nothingness”.

Nothing, it is the second qualifier used by Davet and Lhomme, quite simply because the Republic in March is in reality a “virtual” party. Severe finding, shared by opponents of Emmanuel Macron and his most loyal.

François Patriat, Senator LREM, explains: “Emmanuel does not like parties, he did not want a party. I tell him: we must make one. But Emmanuel’s vision is: no party , and a team around him. So we have a movement that has no reality. (…) What is LREM for people?

Moreover … if the President of the Republic declares himself a candidate for re-election, he will do so without “the label in motion”, “label demonetized”, which perhaps justifies this sentence of Marlène Schiappa: “The day the president decides that he is packing his small suitcase and that he is going to take a little break and go around the world with his wife… the day the president leaves, there is no one to be president in his place. ”

After me the flood, after me nothingness.

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