Bollywood actress Jhanvi Kapoor was recently spotted partying with her first cousin Shanaya Kapoor and some friends. Whose image of her is becoming quite viral on social networks. In the images it is seen that Jhanvi has really enjoyed the party with her friend. She wore a matching pair of sandals with a yellow dress, while Sanaya wore a black dress. After the image of her went viral, many comments from her fans have also come in. All her fans have questioned the mysterious man present at the match. Who was also seen in Mumbai earlier at a dance party with him.
Let us tell you that in the comments, where Jhanvi’s fans have praised her style, some have even expressed their discontent by asking her pointed questions. One of his fans has written: This man had the best day today. At the same time, one wrote that the brother has fun. A fan asked that this is your boyfriend. One asked who is that you always see around you nowadays, while one even wrote if he is the son of a billionaire.
Well, whether Jhanvi Kapoor makes any difference to these questions or not, he must have known very well. On the other hand, if we talk about his next project, then the filming of Good Luck Jerry and Miley has concluded. At the same time, his next movie Mr and Mrs Mahi is about to arrive. Alaravar R Raj Kumar Rao from Jhanvi will be seen in the film.