Home World Facebook: creation of 10,000 jobs in Europe to build the metaverse

Facebook: creation of 10,000 jobs in Europe to build the metaverse

In order to develop a virtual world modeled on the physical world, Facebook has announced the creation of 10,000 jobs in Europe. New uses that could turn out to be revolutionary even if they raise questions in terms of impact on privacy.

A kind of virtual lining of the physical world. In a few years, you will probably be able to successively attend a concert or a meeting, do a workout or go shopping, all without leaving your home, in three dimensions, thanks to a virtual headset. While during the first lockdown in April 2020, more than 12 million players attended a giant party on a famous video game, the digital giants, Facebook in the lead, are already anticipating the future with the creation of 10,000 jobs in Europe in order to build this metaverse, a virtual universe modeled on the real world.

There are still a few effects that will be missing, such as wind. We may be able to add them. We are not yet in complete reality but in terms of images, we are there“, explains Dimitri Prikhodko, founder of Fit Immersion, a helmet screwed on the eyes while he pedals in a fictitious way not far from the Eiffel Tower. Thanks to this technology which opens the panel of possibilities, potentially in the professional sphere, of new uses are emerging, while still questioning the problem of personal data. Laurent Sally, CEO of Facebook France, reminded the microphone of franceinfo of the creation of an investment fund in the amount of 50 million dollars which will aim to “work on all exceptional questions, on what this will have as an impact and impose on social life“. It will be necessary to wait at best five years, according to specialists, for this virtual world to become reality.

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