Home World Europe is the only region where Kovid-19 deaths are increasing: WHO

Europe is the only region where Kovid-19 deaths are increasing: WHO

Europe is the only region where Kovid-19 deaths are increasing: WHO

Image source: AP
The WHO has said there was a five percent increase in deaths due to corona virus infection in Europe last week.

London: The World Health Organization (WHO) said last week that there was a five percent increase in deaths from coronavirus infections in Europe, making it the only region in the world where the death rate from the pandemic increased. . The United Nations health agency said there was a six percent increase in confirmed infections globally, driven by increases in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

In its weekly report on the pandemic on Tuesday, the WHO said that the death rate from Kovid-19 remained stable or decreased in all regions except Europe. A total of 50,000 people died from the infection worldwide last week. At the same time, out of 33 lakh of new cases of infection, 21 lakh of cases came from Europe. This was the seventh consecutive week that there was a steady increase in Kovid-19 cases in 61 countries.

The WHO said that nearly 60 percent of people in Western Europe have taken all doses of Covid-19 vaccines, while only about half have been vaccinated in the eastern part of the continent, where officials are fighting for overcome doubts about vaccination. The WHO has said that since July, infections are declining in Africa, West Asia and Southeast Asia.

The WHO said the largest number of new cases in Europe come from Russia, Germany and Britain. He also stressed that there has been a 67 percent increase in deaths in Norway and 38 percent in Slovakia. In the past, the WHO has described Europe as the “epicenter” of the pandemic and warned that there could be 500,000 more deaths from the infection in January if immediate action is not taken.


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