Home World Éric Zemmour persona non grata in London

Éric Zemmour persona non grata in London

Éric Zemmour persona non grata in London

As Eric Zemmour advances his pawns for the presidential election, the difficulties seem to accumulate for the polemicist.

Recently, the Royal Institution in London, where the likely future presidential candidate was to address the French community, chose to cancel their reservation two days before this meeting.

Jean Héry, member of the “friends of Eric Zemmour” announced that “the case had been entrusted to a British lawyer in order to obtain compensation”. He goes on to recall that the details, including the payment, had been made two weeks ago ”.

And this is not the first time that the former journalist has faced an outcry. On October 30, Eric Zemmour canceled his visit to Vannes for the same reason.

The city of Geneva, to which Eric Zemmour is due to visit soon, has already announced that it will not allow one of its meetings to be held in a communal hall.

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