Entrepreneurs of Herrera: a tax reform cannot be applied by surprise but by consensus

The president of the National Association of Companies and Industries Herrera (ANEIH), Noel Ureña Ceballos criticized that the Government wants to surprise with a tax reform without being consensual and ignoring that it had been agreed to carry out a fiscal pact through discussions in the Economic and Social Council ( CES).

Warned that First, the Electricity Pact must be concluded and then the Fiscal Pact must be addressed, not a reform or patches and even less just talking about a tax increase.

Ureña Ceballos indicated that the entity has been advocating for a long time to start the dialogue of the Fiscal Pact and is surprised that it wants to start quickly and without taking advantage of the steps already agreed between the public and private sectors.

“We call on the wisdom of the Government to return to the original plan, a Fiscal Pact, in which all sectors, private, public, civil society and political parties participate if they want to participate. But the priority is to review both the government’s income and expenditures, ”he said.

The president of ANEIH stressed that analyzing and improving the quality of public spending is of vital importance for the country.

A reform cannot be applied by surprise but by consensus. The Government should not speak of reform but of a pact, as has always been stipulated. And not a reform to only collect taxes, but also address public spending, “said Ureña Ceballos.vv


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