Home World Elections in Germany: the conservative candidate folds his ballot upside down and...

Elections in Germany: the conservative candidate folds his ballot upside down and makes a big blunder

The chairman of the electoral commission, Georg Thiel, however assured that his ballot was “valid”, since it was inserted in the ballot box.

“Üps”? The leader of the German Conservative Party, Armin Laschet, committed a serious blunder Sunday, September 26 during the legislative vote. The one who has already multiplied the missteps during the electoral campaign for the succession of Angela Merkel, did not fold his ballot as necessary during his vote in his constituency of Aachen, thus omitting to do so. hide in front of the cameras, as stipulated in the Electoral Code.

Result: everyone could see that they had voted for their party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), while the German Election Code provides that the voter must “fold his ballot so that his vote is not recognizable.”

CDU candidate Amin Laschet votes by folding his ballot upside down in Aachen, Germany, during the parliamentary elections, Sunday, September 26, 2021. (FRANCK FIFE / AFP)

The president of the electoral commission, Georg Thiel, however assured on Twitter that the bulletin of Armin Laschet was considered as “valid” since it was inserted in the ballot box.

The results of the ballot, expected from 6 p.m., promise to be tight between the Social Democrats, who are – by very little – the race in the lead in view of the latest polls, and the conservatives, weighed down in particular by the unpopularity of ‘Armin Laschet. Party with 36% of the voting intentions in the polls at the beginning of the year, the latter had the advantage of being in the logical continuation of Angela Merkel. But the leader of the CDU suffered from his blunders.

He notably made a mistake that cost him dearly in terms of popularity during the deadly floods in the west of the country in July. Cameras had filmed him hilariously, in the background, as German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier gave a speech in regions scarred by a disaster that left 180 people dead and caused immense damage.

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