Home Entertainment Domingo Bautista shares his new diet: lettuce, low-fat cheese, brown rice and...

Domingo Bautista shares his new diet: lettuce, low-fat cheese, brown rice and soy meat

Domingo Bautista comparte su nueva dieta: lechuga, queso descremado, arroz integral y carne de soya

Domingo Bautista ate as much or more than "Gourmet Tuber", Raymond Pozo’s humorous character who never tires of eating. Locrio with salami, beans, concón, two fried eggs, bananas and "patimondongo" were included in their regular diet.

However, that changed radically and now she consumes brown rice, lettuce, auyama, soy meat, low-fat cheese, sugar-free juices and meatless chicken soup.

The television entertainer maintains a strict diet that he announced at the request of Listín Diario after he published images of his extreme thinness and that generated concern about his health.

A breakfast of Domingo Bautista used to be, normally, two parboiled plantains, two fried eggs, four wheels of fried salami, two pieces of fried cheese and a large orange juice with milk, better known as morisoñando.

The average lunch before was: a salami locrio, a separate service of concón, a large bowl of stewed beans, a service of Russian salad, two Indian mabí bojuco and a service of sweet cashew.

The average dinner before to undergo the diet process was a patimondongo, a large serving of rice, three slices of avocado, a serving of fried green and a sweet guava.

+ The new diet

His new lifestyle is as follows: breakfast is prepared a service of casabe, a portion of low-fat cheese and a celery juice with carrot.

lunch today is a cup of brown rice, soy meat, a portion of lettuce and carrot salad and I drink pineapple juice without sugar.

dinner now, simple: auyama with onion, chicken soup without the meat, just the broth, and a whole wheat bread.

"Imagine the contrast between what I am experiencing today as a food system and what I consumed before"Baptist commented.

All this, he clarified, is under the supervision of a nutritionist "that is giving me the guidelines to follow so that I can lose weight as I have".

Then, before the comments that his appearance does not look good, he pointed out: "Logically, I have to undergo a special treatment because by losing weight I have also lost muscle mass. Under a new treatment that I am going to assume, I am going to be able to replenish the muscle mass that takes a series of vitamins, physical exercises and other products to try to rescue the muscle mass.".

Bautista wanted to share his experience so that other people can assume a change because "when one assumes a certain discipline things are achieved". In his case, he was 180 pounds and is now at 150.


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