The film Teri Baton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya starring Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon has finally hit the theaters today. The fans’ enthusiasm for the film is great. From social media to critics, the film is receiving good reviews. Along with Shahid and Kriti, Bollywood’s Heyman Dharmendra will also be seen in the film. But in this film, the actor is credited with a different name and not Dharmendra.
Yes, Dharmendra changed his name 64 years after he entered Bollywood. He changed his name and that name was mentioned in the film. According to Hindustan Times, Dharmendra was credited on behalf of Dharmendra Singh Deol in Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon’s film Teri Baton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya. We tell you that Dharmendra’s childhood name was Dharam Singh Deol. However, Dharmendra himself has neither announced this nor changed his name anywhere.