Descartes Kings League: Confirmed Departures

The Kings League teams are saying goodbye to three players each. This is a moment that none of the teams want to experience, as they have to choose players to discard in order to have free spots for the next Gerard Piqué competition draft.

Saiyans FC has been the first to announce the players they have chosen to discard. Jero Martin, Marc Galvany, and Ivan Fajardo are the three players who will not remain on the roster for the following season.

FC Annihilators have not yet presented their three discards, but we already know one of the names. Bernat Rovira, the team’s mathematician, has decided to leave the Kings League, and therefore will be one of those selected to make room for the club. Xavi Morales and Joel Macarulla are the other two players who will not remain on the roster.

Jijantes FC has had a split of a high level, reaching the Final Four in the Spanish Kings League and fighting in the World Cup. However, they have had to say goodbye to three players. David Sanchez, Uri Pons, and Sergi Cabré are the players who will not remain on the roster.

Kunisports FC, led by Kun Aguero, have also had to say goodbye to three players. Adriá Escribano, Jordi Martínez, and Jordi Abello are the players who will not remain on the roster.

PIO FC has just left good feelings at the World Cup event, but they still need some reinforcements to finish making a leap in quality. That is why they have decided to say goodbye to three players. Lasha Macharashvili, Jan Coca, and Óscar Rivero are the players who will not remain on the roster.

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