Home World Democrats will choose their presidential candidate in Chicago in 2024

Democrats will choose their presidential candidate in Chicago in 2024

View of the logo of the Democratic National Committee (DNC, for its acronym in English), in a file photograph.  BLAZETRENDS/Brendan Smialowski

Washington (BLAZETRENDS).- The American city of Chicago will host the Democratic National Convention in 2024, a great political party that serves to officially choose the candidate of that party for the presidential elections.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC), the party’s executive body, announced in a statement the choice of Chicago as the venue for the convention and framed it in the Democrats’ bid to reclaim the Midwestern states of the country.

The state of Illinois, where Chicago is located, is part of the so-called “blue wall” that was key for Democrat Joe Biden to beat his Republican opponent, Donald Trump, in the 2020 elections.

That block, which is made up of 18 states and the District of Columbia, was predominantly blue – the color of the Democratic Party – between 1992 and 2012; but, in the 2016 elections, Trump managed to win in several states considered Democratic strongholds.

Biden, who focused his 2020 campaign on appealing to the working class, managed to win back many of those “blue wall” states.

“Chicago is an excellent choice for the 2024 Democratic National Convention,” Biden said, according to a DNC statement and in which the president considered that the Democrats will be able to use that occasion to show the “historic progress” they have made in the recent years with new economic and infrastructure policies.

The appointment in Chicago will be between August 19 and 22, 2024, once the primary process has finished and it is known who will be the Democratic candidate for the November elections.

Waiting for an official announcement from Biden about his presidential candidacy for the Democrats

Biden has been saying for months that he intends to run for re-election, but has not yet officially announced his candidacy.

A journalist from NBC asked him yesterday if he was thinking of running for office and, as he has done on other occasions, he reiterated his intention to run again in the elections.

“I plan to introduce myself, but we are not yet ready to announce it,” the president limited himself to saying.

The 2020 Democratic convention in which Biden was elected was held in the city of Milwaukee, in the state of Wisconsin; but, as it occurred in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, it was surrounded by security measures to prevent the spread of the virus and a large part of its programming was virtual.

In fact, Biden gave his speech to accept the Democratic Party’s nomination, one of the most exciting moments of the conventions, from a convention center in the city of Wilmington (Delaware), where he has his family residence and where he spent a good part of the campaign in 2020.

This time, the Democratic Party wants to bring back the more traditional aspect of the conventions, designed to promote the figure of the party’s presidential candidate in prime-time speeches while balloons and confetti fall from the sky.

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