Decoding Hugh the Blacksmith’s Significance in ‘House of the Dragon’

What you need to know:

This note has spoilers about Hugh, a blacksmith we meet in episode 1 of the second season of ‘House of the Dragon’ and the iconic role he plays in George RR Martin’s books.

Hugh, played by Kieran Bew, appears for just a few minutes in the first episode of the second season of House of the Dragon. The blacksmith has an audience in front of the Iron Throne of Aegon II Targaryen to request advance payments and continue building Scorpions, the only giant crossbows capable of killing dragons.

At first, it seems like any other scene, but it hides a secret: that blacksmith will have an iconic role in the Dance of the Dragons.

Who is Hugh the blacksmith in House of the Dragon?

Before entering the story, we must remember that, unlike the last seasons of Game of Thrones, the events in House of the Dragon are already written by George RR Martin in a book called ‘Fire & Blood’.

Hugh Hammer is not the only one of the ‘seeds’ in House of the Dragon

During the first episode, we already met Hugh Hammer, but, if you stick to the books, you may find that in the coming weeks of House of the Dragon, let’s meet other of the Targaryen seeds who manage to get a dragon during the war.

Their names —in case you want to stay tuned— are Addam Hull, Ulf the White, and a young woman called Nettles.

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