Home World Crack in Paris: Valérie Pécresse calls for the opening of “a detoxification...

Crack in Paris: Valérie Pécresse calls for the opening of “a detoxification center”

The day after her visit to Pantin (93) with residents worried about the presence in their neighborhood of drug addicts, moved there from the Jardins d’Eole (18th arrondissement), Valérie Pécresse called for the opening of “a detoxification center” in Paris. The day before, the president of the Ile-de-France region (Libres! Ex-LR) had pleaded for the creation of “a real center for the fight against addictions”.

“We need a response that is not only safe, which is not only to shift the problems, we need a health response”, expressed Valérie Pécresse on Monday, calling for the opening of “a detoxification center “.

A structure yet to be imagined

For this, the president of the Ile-de-France region plans to “entrust a mission to Professor Vaivre-Douret, who is a psychiatrist from Cochin, and to Elina Dumont, a former homeless addict to crack”. These two experts will thus be responsible for imagining a “detoxification structure for crack addicts”.

“When we are on crack, we do not get by alone”, has also assured the elected Ile, now a candidate for the primary of the right for the next presidential election, who is also positioned in favor of “injunctions of care”.

The day before, in Pantin, she had assured that the solution was “not to move drug addicts from one place to another”, but “to create a real center for the fight against addictions to allow them to get off drugs. and get them off the street ”. A privileged solution to the opening of new “shooting rooms which disturb”, according to her, “public order everywhere in Paris and which create encouragement to consume”.

“Seine-Saint-Denis is not a garbage can”

On Friday, around fifty drug addicts from the Jardins d’Eole district – a hotspot for crack consumption in the north-east of Paris – were moved to the edge of Aubervilliers and Pantin, during an operation carried out by the police headquarters on the instructions of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. There, a wall was even erected on rue Forceval to separate residents from the square de la Porte de la Villette, where these people in great disgrace have been installed.

On Sunday, the president of the Ile-de-France region, whose head office is located in Saint-Ouen (93), also expressed her regret that the problem of drug addicts was “moved to Seine-Saint- Denis ”,“ a place that concentrates ”, according to his words,“ already a lot of social challenges ”. “Seine-Saint-Denis is not a garbage can,” she had rebelled then.

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