Brazil has recorded 307 deaths in the past 24 hours and 17,246 new cases of covid-19 infection, bringing the total number of deaths to 190,795, according to data released today by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.
In terms of infection cases, the South American country has a total of 7,465,806 and, by state, São Paulo has the most, with 1,423,340, followed by Minas Gerais (522,331), Bahia (482,113) and Santa Catarina (478,242).
(REUTERS/Pilar Olivares)Regarding deaths, the states with the highest number of registrations are São Paulo (45,808), Rio de Janeiro (24,905), Minas Gerais (11,585) and Ceará (9,952).
According to Brazilian government data, 6,475,466 people have already recovered from covid-19 infection and 799,545 are being monitored by health authorities.
The death rate was 91 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, with an incidence of 3,553 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants.
Brazil recorded its first case of covid-19 on February 26 and the numbers are now lower than in previous days.
However, according to the EFE agency, authorities admit that the figures normally drop on weekends due to the lack of staff to compile the data.
The covid-19 pandemic has caused at least 1,750,780 deaths resulting from more than 79.7 million cases of infection worldwide.
The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.