Home World Corn that is planted in Sur will be used by Cervecería

Corn that is planted in Sur will be used by Cervecería

Maíz que se siembra en Sur será usado por Cervecería

In February of this year, the Dominican National Brewery signed a collaboration agreement for the implementation of a local corn planting pilot programthrough which the possibility of substituting imported corn for that produced locally in the production of its beers is explored.

This pilot project began with a investment of more than RD$13 million to guarantee the harvest of 1,550 tons of corn and the first part of the sowing was received during the month of May, according to information from the Brewery.

The company states that by September, the pilot is expected to be completed and carry out all the feasibility evaluations to confirm that the corn grain has the necessary characteristics to be used for the production of beers.

The agreement signed between Cervecería and the Granero del Sur Agricultural Cooperative of Multiple Services (Coopgrasur)is accompanied by the Special Fund for Agricultural Development (FEDA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, entities that offer technical support to the project.

It was agreed that both the Ministry of Agriculture and the FEDA will provide advice and technical support to farmers in San Juan for planting, crossing and cutting corn. In addition, as part of the initiatives developed by the Government, farmers will be provided with producers 60% of the cost of corn seeds.

The Brewery indicated that, as a company, it continues to focus on the recovery of the economy and on expanding its impact on the community, for which reason, it told Listín Diario that are excited to have started this project that will not only stimulate local corn productionraw material used in the production of its products, but will positively transform the lives of hundreds of local producers in the South.

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