Copa Libertadores: Talleres resisted and qualified for the round of 16 for the first time

Talleres de Córdoba had a difficult night in Peru on Tuesday, but managed to get a point after equalizing 0-0 on their visit to Sporting Cristal and qualified for the next phase of the Copa Libertadores de América, in a match valid for the fifth date of the H group

The striker of the Cordovan cast Michel Santos was expelled 5 minutes into the complement for a double warning. With this equality and the triumph of Flamengo over Universidad Católica (3-0), the cast of Argentina qualified for the first time in its history to the round of 16 of the Copa Libertadores.

In a match where more than three points were at stake, Sporting Cristal had the obligation to add their first victory in the contest and thus be able to fight for a place in the next phase, before which they placed all their hopes in Christofer “Canchita” Gonzáles, who was the master of the game and from his feet the best chances were born.

For his part, Talleres was a reflection of his progress in the local contest, he was noted to be lackluster in terms of the game he has shown in Libertadores and in the only collective situation that he managed to combine, he almost opened the scoring with a cross shot by Héctor Fertoli that happened brushing the left post of goalkeeper Alejandro Duarte.

And if it’s about goalkeepers, after that action Guido Herrera’s show began, who with several interventions and two spectacular saves – a point-blank shot by Sosa and a free kick by Gonzáles – began to decree that he would be the figure of the night.

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In the agony of the first stage began what would be the expulsion of Santos at the beginning of the complement: In the first instance he had a cross with Gonzáles, he continued on his way to the locker room at halftime and at the resumption of the fight in The first action he had, the attacker of the “T” elbowed Chávez and saw the second yellow card that led to his expulsion.

If things were complex for the cast of Argentina, the panorama presaged something worse, however, Talleres stood as an equal and grew in his game through fast transitions and the constant threat of Federico Girotti and some flashes of Fértoli.

With some changes and the pressure of its public, Sporting Cristal went in search of victory with Yotún and “Canchita” Gonzáles as references, however, they could not beat the goal guarded by Herrera, who at this point was already the undisputed figure of the field.
At the end of the match, with Talleres completely withdrawn in defense and with nine players -because Benavidez was out for medical attention-, the local team had an unbeatable chance to take the win, but again ran into Herrera who He kept the auction that earned him equality and the pass to the next round of the most important contest in America.

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