Controversy in Colombia over a video with the alleged results of the elections

The National Registry of Civil Status of Colombia, a public body in charge of organizing the elections, has denied this Saturday the authorship of a video and several images that have been spread on social networks and that they attributed to the presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernández the victory of the electoral contest.

The graphic material, shared through the Twitter platform, shows several slides with the departments in which each candidate would have won, as well as the total votes. The images show that Rodolfo Hernández would be the winner with 45.75 percent of the votes, compared to 45.39 percent of those obtained by the other presidential candidate, Gustavo Petro.

The latter, a presidential candidate for the Historical Pact political party, has requested an explanation from the Registrar through his personal Twitter account.

On the other hand, the secretary general of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Luis Guillermo Pérez, has detailed that the Registrar has confirmed that "this simulation was done in the entity through the contracting firm Indra on random data from municipalities and departments". "As a magistrate of the CNE (National Electoral Council), I demand an explanation from the company and the Registrar’s Office."has added.

However, the National Registry of Civil Status of Colombia has assured on Saturday afternoon, through the same social network, that its organization "does not perform simulations or statistical projections of results".

Likewise, the entity has requested that citizens not "fall" in disinformation and to come "only to official portals and media". "The Registrar’s Office only communicates results in official bulletins that are disseminated after the voting closes."has remembered.

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Finally, the organization has reiterated in its message the guarantee of transparency in the elections, due to eight international observation missions, more than 410 observers and accredited NGOs from 33 countries.

In addition, it points out that there are tens of thousands of electoral witnesses from the political parties of the candidates for the presidency, 71,000 electoral witnesses from the Historical Pact and more than 52,000 from the League of Anticorruption Governors, as well as an audited software, which is owned by the electoral organization.

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