Home Business Closing ceremony of the project to support small producers

Closing ceremony of the project to support small producers

Realizan acto de cierre del proyecto apoyo a pequeños productores

The Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), held a closing ceremony for the Project for the Recovery of Livelihoods for Small Agricultural and Livestock Producers of Basic Basket ProductsAffected by the Covid-19 Crisis in Rural Areas of the Dominican Republic.

The main objective of the project was promote economic activities in rural areas for the productive and resilient inclusion of vulnerable groups, with particular attention to women.

“These types of projects are the ones that motivate us the most, because we work with the poorest, those who need the most, and it is where the Cooperation Agencies should direct the resources,” said Osmar C. Benítez, executive president of the JAD.

Benítez added that “this project benefited 33 groups of producers, impacting more than 1,700 people between men and womenexceeding the initial goal of beneficiaries that was 1,500 people¨.

The beneficiary groups were supported with equipment, machinery, agricultural inputs, animal modules (goats and chickens). as well as 60 training sessions on Good Livestock Practices, Good Agricultural Practices, Market Access and Organizational Strengthening.

While Esteban López-Plaza, head of AECID Programs, highlighted the importance of sustainability. He said that this is a seed, a starting point for small producers to be able, on their own, to earn more money.

The activities of the project were focused on three key areas: reorientation of production, marketing in the changing context and security for producers, in a context of economic recovery due to the situation experienced by COVID-19.

Within the framework of the activity, three manuals were put into circulation, prepared as part of the Farm Management Protocol Project, Work Manual for Small Businesses to Guarantee the Health Safety of Workers and Products, and Contingency Plan for the Agricultural Sector.

The project was carried out in 11 provinces of the country, strongly impacted by the presence of Covid-19, which are: Duarte, Espaillat, Hermanas Mirabal, La Altagracia, La Romana, La Vega, Monsignor Nouel, Puerto Plata, San Cristóbal, Sánchez Ramírez and Santiago.

The project was executed with a global budget of 270,000 euros, of which the Spanish Agency contributed 250,000 euros and the Agribusiness Board 20,000 euros. Likewise, it had the support of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), and the Ministry of Agriculture (MA), among other institutions related to the Sector.

The activity was carried out at the JAD headquarters and included the participation of José Rafael Comprés, President of the JAD, Miriam Guzmán, Vice Minister of Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture, Esteban López, Director of the Spanish Cooperation Program in the country, Gloria Román Peco, Director of JAD Projects, as well as with a provincial representation of the beneficiary groups.

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