Home World Climate: what to expect from COP26?

Climate: what to expect from COP26?

The COP26 will open in Glasgow (United Kingdom) on November 1, under the sign of urgency. Armelle Oger, journalist for We Tomorrow, takes stock of the challenges of the conference, on the 11 p.m. set, Wednesday, October 6.

The wait is great, a few weeks before the opening, on November 1, of the COP 26 in Glasgow (United Kingdom), which some consider to be the one “last chance”. Among them, Fatih Birol, who heads the International Energy Agency, created in the 1970s to manage oil stocks. “Few people know him, but he made his mea culpa, recognizing the part of the responsibility of the organization, and he pleads to stop fossil fuels, to develop renewable energies, but above all, for the COP 26 to succeed”, explains Armelle Oger, journalist for We tomorrow, which publishes an interview with Fatih Birol in its last issue.

A speech echoing the statements of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, in Milan, during the preparation of the COP 26: “Failure is still a possibility, but we cannot, must not accept it. (…) We can either save our world or condemn humanity to a hellish future.” However, the experts left “a little pessimistic” of this meeting to M Armelle Oger. “For example, countries like China, which is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, and India have not submitted their updated roadmap.”, she specifies, adding that there has been no progress on “the solidarity decided between the richest and most modest countries, to help them in their energy transition”.

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