Cibao FC achieves a tie and is first in Group A

Cibao FC pulled out a hard-fought 3-3 draw, but with a taste of victory, in a Flow Concacaf Caribbean Club Championship match against Cavalier SC of Jamaica, played at the stadium of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Dominican.

The hosts had to come from behind, as the visitors took the lead 0-2 in the first half and 1-3 in the 62nd minute.

The Cibao coach moved the bench and managed to tie the game to add one point to the three he had and lead Group A with 4 units.

The semifinals will be played this Thursday starting at 5:00 pm with the first game and the second at 8:00 pm.

In minute 28 Cavalier momentarily extinguished the euphoria of the locals, when Dwayne Atkinson found the defense of the eleventh orange badly stopped and with his left foot he scored the first.

By minute 36, the packed Cibao FC stadium was in a panic when Ronaldo Webster stomped the ball, which grazed Oscar and became an own goal that put the game 0-2 in favor of the Jamaicans.

The Orange club could not reduce the advantage and went into the break with the score against 0-2 to reconsider.

For additional time, Cibao put Erick Japa on the field for Christian Alba, Charles Herold Jr., for Carlos Heredia and Juan David Díaz looking for goals.

The strategy paid off and in the 51st minute Colombian Juan David Díaz scored the goal that shortened the distance to 1-2.

But in the 62nd minute Cavalier with Dwayne Atkinson’s second goal took off again 1-3 on the board, silencing the orange-clad parishioners.

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Hopes revived for the hosts when the visitors were left with 10 players after Jeovanni Barrington was sent off for yellow cards.

The numerical advantage was taken advantage of by Cibao FC that a minute later, 67 scored through the Colombian Dairin González, to become attached 2-3.

The 73rd minute was played when Erick Japa’s goal came to sensationally tie the game 3-3.

The Argentine Jorge Alfonso, Technical Director of Cibao FC, left his Captain and star goalkeeper Miguel Lloyd on the bench and put the youthful Edwin Frías in charge of the goal.

With Lloyd’s absence on the court, the experienced Ismael “Pinta” Díaz took the captain’s armband.

The eleventh starter was completed by Adrian Salcedo, Dairin González, Oscar Florencio, Lean Torres, Welkin Luis, Lihué Prichoda, Carlos Heredia, Yohan Parra and Christian Alba.

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