Home Business Cesep investigates theft of soybean meal in the port of Haina

Cesep investigates theft of soybean meal in the port of Haina

Cesep investiga robo harina de soja en el puerto de Haina

He Port Security Specialized Corps (Cesep), investigate the theft of more than 375 metric tons of soybean meallast Thursday the 16th, in the port of Haina, western margin, as announced by its general director, Rear Admiral Henry Antonio Guzmán

Taveras, in a note. Guzmán Taveras reported that the institution carried out a thorough investigation on the case, as an auxiliary institution of justice in the Dominican ports, which was carried out jointly with the Directorate of Criminal Investigations of the National Police (Dicrim) and officials from the Cesep Intelligence and Investigations area.

indicated that Investigators made arrests and interviewed several people, including carriers and private security personnel, to determine the circumstances in which the act was committed, and that, after the investigation process, a measure of coercion was requested for the alleged perpetratorsbefore the prosecutor’s office of Santo Domingo Oeste.

Rear Admiral Guzmán Taveras emphasized that Cesep will always guarantee compliance with national laws and international agreements in all Dominican ports.

About the robbery
The Bulk Terminal (Tegra) denounced this Tuesday that one of the users of that consortium suffered millions in losses when unknown persons stole more than 375 metric tons of soybean meal from the Haina Occidental dock of a ship, which was unloading agri-food material imported by one of its companies.

The action, which left estimated losses of more than US$230,000was carried out through the use of dump trucks with a capacity of up to 30 metric tons.

From movie.
The bulk company, victim of the robbery, said that a video records the moment when two people, aboard a dump truck, entered and left the dock as if they were authorized personnel to carry out the operation.

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