Home Sports Celta’s institutional crisis drives Gabri Veiga away

Celta’s institutional crisis drives Gabri Veiga away

The club is in one of the most complicated moments in its recent history, as a serious institutional crisis is looming that could lead to the departure of Gabri Veiga from Celta

The team’s bad sports streak has created a serious problem for Carlos Mouriño. The president of the Vigo club experienced one of his most difficult nights in Balaídos, who sang ‘Mouriño, go now’, showing his deep discomfort with his management. A management that could end up causing the march of Gabri Veiga of the Celtic this same summer market, in which there will be no shortage of offers.

This has been a topic of conversation since the beginning of the year, as the footballer has performed at an extraordinary level. However, the club’s idea was to retain him, at least one more season. And it is that Celta wanted Gabri Veiga to wear their colors in the centenary year. But everything that has happened in recent weeks keeps him from continuing at the club.

Gabri Veiga, closer to leaving Celta
The institutional crisis distances the continuity of Gabri Veiga

Gabri Veiga, closer to leaving Celta than ever

As we know, and although the fans have already made it clear that they do not want Mouriño to continue in office, the truth is that his resignation seems completely ruled out. The president is clear that he will continue in office in the centenary year and it will be after next season when he considered leaving office. A position that, in any case, he will leave in the hands of his daughter.

So the situation is not expected to improve, so Gabri Veiga is closer than ever to leaving the club. And it is that the footballer does not want to live a season full of institutional tension, as it seems that it will be if Mouriño does not abandon the ship. That is why he would be determined to leave despite having considered his continuity.

Mouriño’s project falls apart

After a summer in which expectations were sky high for the arrival of Luis Campos as adviser, the cloud has deflated. The signings of the PSG sports director have not worked, nor has the coach in whom he trusted the project. And it is that, once the season is over, it is expected that Carlos Cavalhal resigns his position.

This only aggravates the situation of the club from Vigo, which sees a deep institutional crisis coming that, as you can imagine, will also have repercussions in the sports field. The most immediate consequence could be Gabri Veiga’s departure from Celta, because the great talent of the celestial youth team does not want to live a centenary year to forget. A year that should be historic for the club and that aims to be the opposite.

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