Home World Catering: the sector struggling with a labor shortage

Catering: the sector struggling with a labor shortage

Catering professionals see the labor shortage in Paris every day, undermining a sector already weakened by the Covid-19 crisis.

Young people are the first victims of this hemorrhage.

Many have indeed left for other professional adventures, the establishments having been closed for long months because of restrictions linked to the health crisis.

Today, nearly 110,000 positions are to be filled in the restaurant business.

Hope around the tax exemption for tips

The tax exemption for tips by bank card is nevertheless a beacon of hope for employees in the sector, but also for bosses who have difficulty in recruiting.

Emmanuel Macron made the announcement Monday, September 27 in Lyon (Rhône), to professionals gathered at the International Catering, Hotel and Food Fair (Sirha).

Today, unlike tips paid in cash, card transactions are automatically reported and taxed. But thanks to this announcement by the Head of State, an employee in the restaurant or hotel industry who will receive a tip by credit card will no longer need to declare it to taxes.

These transactions will therefore escape income tax and contributions.

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