Home Sports Carlos Bacca forces Granada CF to ask Atlético for a favor

Carlos Bacca forces Granada CF to ask Atlético for a favor

The coffee forward will leave the Nasrid team and return to his homeland

With just 526 minutes so far this season, the Colombian forward Carlos Bacca, would have already made a decision regarding his continuity in the Granada CF. The ex Villarreal came to Los Cármenes with the aim of starting and shining with his own light, but Robert Moreno has not given him that confidence.

Tired and uncomfortable, the player would have made the decision to abandon the Nasrid set, once the season is over. Although the striker has the opportunity to extend his contract for one more year, he will not do so, and his destiny will be to return to his native country. According to the environment of the footballer himself, he would already have an advanced conversation to return to the Junior from Barranquilla.

Carlos Bacca Granada
Serbian Ivan Saponjic would be Bacca’s replacement at Granada 2022.

Granada CF already has the replacement of Carlos Bacca on the agenda

Once the will of the Colombian has been known, the Nasrid sports management has begun to manage the search for his replacement. They did not have to make great filters to know that at Atlético, there is a forward who is totally invisible to Simeone. In fact, he hasn’t played a single minute this season.

Robert Moreno has formally requested the signing of Serbian Ivan Saponjic, who has not had much luck at the mattress club. In fact, the player was booked in the 2019 summer market and his poor performance sent him to Cádiz where he also did not perform. Granada hopes that in the Catalan’s tactical approach if he can adapt.

The transfer of Carlos Bacca has a 90% probability for Granada

As it is a dismissal more than sung by Simeone, the mattress team would give him the signing of the Serbian in this market without hesitation. In fact, the attacker could be released with a letter of freedom, since his contract expires next summer. In this way, the Nasrid team will not only have the services on loan, but will also have 100% of the sports rights.

Saponjic would arrive to shore up Granada CF’s offensive plot, and keep Jorge Molina and Luis Suárez also from Colombia company. Moreno knows that it is vitally important to think of one or two more reinforcements for his attack line, since he suspects that one of his forwards who is not Bacca, is in conversation with other teams.

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