Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has been making headlines these days for his movie Laal Singh Chaddha. He is promoting the movie very strongly. This film will be released in theaters on August 11. The movie has run into its share of problems even before its release. There is a demand to boycott Lal Singh Chaddha on social media. For the past few days, Boycott Lal Singh Chaddha is trending on social media. Aamir Khan has broken his silence on the boycott trend.
Aamir Khan interacts with the media in New Delhi. Aamir reacted to the boycott trend. Aamir is becoming a victim of social media trolling. He has said that I don’t want to hurt anyone’s heart.
In a conversation with the media, Aamir said: If I have hurt someone’s heart with something, then I am sorry for that matter. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s heart. Those who don’t want to see the movie, I’m going to respect that thing and what can I tell them.
Aamir further said: But I would like more and more people to see the film, we have made the film with a lot of effort. I’m not just in the movie, the movie that is made is made with the hard work of hundreds of people, I hope people like it.
Let us tell you that Lal Singh Chaddha is a Hindi remake of the Hollywood movie Forrest Gump. Aamir Khan returns to the big screen after a long time with this film. Kareena Kapoor, Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya will also be seen with Aamir in Laal Singh Chaddha. Advait Chandan has directed this film.