Home World Beatriz becomes a hurricane in the Pacific of Mexico

Beatriz becomes a hurricane in the Pacific of Mexico

Beatriz becomes a hurricane in the Pacific of Mexico

The storm Beatriz evolved this Friday into a category 1 hurricane in the Mexican Pacific, for which reason it will leave “torrential” rains in the western states of the country, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) warned.

As it intensifies, the phenomenon was located 80 kilometers south of Lázaro Cárdenas, a port in the state of Michoacánand 90 kilometers west-southwest of Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, according to the body of the National Water Commission (Conagua).

“The system continues its displacement parallel to the Mexican Pacific coast; its cloudy bands will cause heavy to torrential rains in the west, center, south and southeast of the national territory,” the notice indicated.

The cyclone, the second of this Pacific hurricane season, It is moving northwest at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. with maximum sustained winds of 120 kilometers per hour and gusts of up to 150 kilometers per hour, according to the forecast.

Its cloud bands are expected to cause “torrential occasional” rains, of 150 to 250 millimeters, in the states of Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán and Guerrero, as well as “intense” rains, of 75 to 150 millimeters, in Oaxaca and Chiapas.

Likewise, winds with gusts of 100 to 120 kilometers per hour and waves of 4 to 6 meters high are expected. on the coasts of Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán and Guerrero.

For this reason, the SMN asked “extreme precautions to the general population in the areas of the mentioned states due to rain, wind and waves, including maritime navigation, and to comply with the recommendations issued by the authorities.”

beatrice It comes after Adrián, which this Friday intensified to a category 2 hurricane, but it is more than 700 kilometers south-southwest of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, so it does not affect the national territory.

The Government of Mexico forecast in May the formation of up to 38 named cyclones in the 2023 season, of which 5 would impact the country.

Of that number, andBetween 16 and 22 systems could occur in the Pacific Ocean and between 10 and 16 for the Atlantic.

The SMN pointed out that in the case of the Pacific “16 to 22 tropical cyclones are expected, including 9 to 11 tropical storms, 4 to 6 category 1 and 2 hurricanes, and 3 to 5 category 3, 4 and 5”.

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