Banreservas achieves record by placing RD$10,000 million in bonds in one day

The Reserve Bank placed, in the record time of one day, a issuance of RD$10,000 million of subordinated debt bondswhich has a fixed rate of 10% over a period of ten years.

The general manager of Banreservas, Samuel Pereyra, stated that this milestone positions Banreservas as the largest Dominican corporate issuer in the capital markets.

Pereira considers that The rapid acquisition of these fixed income bonds is a reflection of the confidence that investors specialized institutions have deposited in that financial entity, which has the largest amount of assets in Dominican banking.

He specified that Banreservas, as issuer, has an AA+ rating, and that the issuance program has an AA rating, granted by the risk rating company Feller Rate; and AA-, by Fitch.

Is placement of subordinated debt bonds, whose structuring and placement agent is Inversiones & Bookings, it is the first tranche of an issuance program for RD$20,000 million authorized by the Superintendence of Banks and the Superintendency of the Securities Market.

Investments and Reserves, Stock Market
The Inversiones & Reservas brokerage firm began operations in 2014, with the aim of providing society with the highest quality products and services available in the Dominican stock market.

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