Balaídos Stadium Renovation Targeted for 2027, World Cup Timeline a Factor

Bleated is entering the final stage of its comprehensive reform, which will be completed within a period of 29 months and culminate with the premiere of the new Gol stand. The budget for the project is 25.6 million euros, with 50% of the funding coming from the Vigo City Council and Pontevedra Provincial Council.

The current stand will be demolished at the end of the year, and the new one will increase its capacity from 4,000 to 6,400 spectators, with a canopy covering almost the entire field. The renovation will also include a new structure approaching 8.5 meters from the field.

If Vigo is chosen as one of the venues for the 2030 World Cup, the stadium’s capacity would need to be expanded to 45,000 spectators, which could potentially delay the completion of the reform.

The reform has the support of the Xunta de Galicia, Vigo City Council, and Pontevedra Provincial Council, with the hope that the Government of Spain will also provide funding. The project aims to increase the stadium’s capacity by approximately 18,000 spectators.

Celta president Marian Mourino expressed his happiness with the collaboration of the Vigo City Council and Pontevedra Provincial Council in the renovation of the stadium, stating that the new Gol stand will give the team many points.

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