Home Entertainment “Atracadores”, directed by Víctor Manuel Burgos, will bring together Dominican cast

“Atracadores”, directed by Víctor Manuel Burgos, will bring together Dominican cast

“Atracadores” will be filmed between February and March next year with a cast of experienced Dominican actors, directed by Víctor Manuel Burgos.

The production is a mixture of drama, crime and magical realism, within a thematic trilogy that is now eight years old within the framework of a rigorous creative process.

“Corvo” (Cuervo), a documentary ending its post-production and with a release date this year, is the first film in the trilogy that has a thematic continuation in Robbers and “Thieve-Z” (Thief-Z), another feature film by fiction with filming plans for 2023.

Burgos, the director, is a 29-year-old Dominican filmmaker who has developed a career in the seventh art as part of the diaspora in the United States.

Burgos said that the idea of ​​making Robbers came to him one morning in which, sitting next to his mother, Jackeline Reyes, he asked him to tell him about the times he was a victim of robberies in the Dominican Republic.

“This was my north, but beware, the film will not try to incite the population to robberies, on the contrary, the plot aims to relate a perspective that would help build a future solution”, Burgos clarified.

The feature film will have as main actors Luinis Olaverría, (Luis in Atracadores), known for his role in the film “Rafaela” by Tito Rodríguez; Francis Cruz (Marco Fran), who has a great career and nominations at the Sovereign Awards.

Likewise, like Judith Rodríguez (Josephine), consecutive winner of Sovereigns in the line of best film actress; and to Alexis Luciano, known for his participation in José María Cabral’s “Hotel Coppelia”.

The film will also feature the special participation of Juan Mayi, a painter with a long career in the Dominican Republic.

The film will be produced by the production house Motus Nova Group, focused on providing the opportunity to new talents and forming creative teams with a good number of women in positions of power.

Robbers will last 90 minutes and will be filmed in various places in the National District.




The director Víctor Manuel Burgos on the right along with two of the personalities who work in the production of Atracadores.


Víctor Manuel Burgos in the center shares with a couple of the actors who take part in Atracadores.



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