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As he intends to represent himself, Joe Biden on a medical visit Thursday

This is a crucial step for the oldest president ever elected in the United States. As he intends to run for the White House in 2024, Joe Biden, 80, completes his routine medical checkup on Thursday.

The White House has promised to release the president’s doctor’s report on Thursday, as it had already done in November 2021, during the Democrat’s previous health check. The document will obviously be read with even more attention, as the campaign for 2024 has already begun.

Joe Biden, despite lackluster polls, has been repeating for some time that he “intends” to run, and therefore perhaps face his predecessor Donald Trump, already officially in the race. But he assured, just a few days ago, that he had not made a “final” decision.

The weight of age

On November 19, 2021, the Democrat, who also wants this transparency on his health to distinguish himself from the former Republican president, had already submitted to a complete examination. Joe Biden had undergone a colonoscopy that day, under general anesthesia. He had transferred his powers for an hour and twenty-five minutes to Vice President Kamala Harris, who briefly became the first woman to hold presidential prerogatives in the history of the United States.

The doctor, Kevin O’Connor, had painted a portrait of a man “in good health”, “vigorous” and “able” to fulfill his heavy duty. But he had also taken on the burden of age, with its share of medications to take and minor ailments. If he does, Joe Biden will face both the rigors of an election campaign and the demands of his office. So far, he answers questions about his age with jokes, or with this pirouette: “Watch me at work! “.

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