Home Sports Argentina team: Lo Celso and Romero were also disaffected

Argentina team: Lo Celso and Romero were also disaffected

A few hours after the officialization of the casualties of Emiliano Martínez and Emiliano Buendía for Thursday’s clash against Bolivia for the South American Qualifiers, it was confirmed that midfielder Giovani Lo Celso and defender Cristian Romero will not be there either. Thus, Lionel Scaloni is left without the four players who play in the Premier League, three of them starters in the failed match against Brazil in São Paulo.

“The players Giovani Lo Celso and Cristian Romero are also disaffected for the game with Bolivia and return to their club,” the AFA reported on the pair of English Tottenham players.

Meanwhile, due to the impossibility of having Draw Martínez and the injury of Franco Armani, his usual replacement, Boca goalkeeper Agustín Rossi was called up. The former Lanús will thus join Juan Musso, who is poised to be a starter, and Gerónimo Rulli, the other goalkeepers on the squad.

Armani suffers from synovitis in his right knee and would not recover in time for Thursday, so he was disaffected in favor of the Boca goalkeeper.


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