Home World Argentina sympathized with Haiti after the earthquake

Argentina sympathized with Haiti after the earthquake

After the earthquake of magnitude 7.2 that occurred this Saturday in Haiti and caused at least 227 deaths, Argentine Chancellery published a statement to show solidarity with what happened and be “ready to collaborate in this difficult time”. Local authorities, in turn, declared a state of emergency and asked the population to “double up their efforts and precautions because there will be aftershocks”.

Argentina “express your I deeply regret the significant human and material losses “suffered” by the beloved people of Haiti as a result of a devastating earthquake”, states the Itamaraty communiqué. The Government “is at your disposal to collaborate in this difficult time”, he adds.

Saturday’s earthquake, which was also felt in the Dominican Republic, was recorded at 8:29 am local time, about 12 kilometers from the city of Saint-Louis du Sud, with an epicenter 10 kilometers deep. This was followed by a replica of magnitude 5.2 to 17 kilometers from the city of Chantal, also with an epicenter 10 kilometers deep.

So far, the disaster has caused at least 29 deaths and various material damages, as specified by the country’s Civil Protection Service at a press conference.

Haiti suffered a similar catastrophe in 2010, with a magnitude 7 earthquake that left 300,000 dead, the same number injured and 1.5 million affected.

emergency state

Due to the seriousness of the event, the local government decided declare a state of emergency for one month, as announced by Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who took office on July 20, 13 days after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise.

This saturday “the earth shook”, lamented the president at a press conference. “It shook, especially in the south and in Nippes and caused a lot of damage,” he added.

“The first information makes us believe that there are several wounded, many dead and collapsed houses. Now there are many people under the rubble. Especially in hotels and places of worship,” he said.

Faced with the “dramatic” situation, he recommended the population to be “solidarity” and “Don’t panic” since “the entire governmental and civil protection structure is mobilized” in the affected areas. Finally, he asked the citizens of the country redouble “your efforts and precautions” because, he assured, “there will be aftershocks” of the phenomenon.


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