Anson Mount (Black Bolt) returns to Doctor Strange 2: Will the character return soon?

/Warning: Spoilers on Doctor Strange 2/

The Illuminati were the real attraction of Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness. Seven armchairs and seven emblematic heroes of the MCU who occupy them. The feature film of Sam Raimi has taken on the wrong foot all the theories of the fans who imagined seeing Tom Cruise as Iron Man or Namor among the strongest characters in the group. In the end, we were entitled to Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell), Captain Marvel (Lashana Lynch), Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), Black Bolt (Anson Mount), a variant of Strange, Mordo (Chiwetel Eijofor) and Mister Fantastic (John Krasinski).

The last few days have revealed a great deal of information to us. Daniel Craig should originally have been among the Illuminati inasmuch as Balder The Brave instead of the Reed Richards by John Krasinski. A very serious Hollywood Insider When will he be entrusted with the last armchair (empty in the movie) had to go back to Ghost Rider, before disney backtrack by suggesting in the film that the last place was for the Strange Supremeexecuted by the Court of the Multiverse.

Doctor Strange 2 © Marvel Studios; disney

Among these new characters, fans were able to find Anson Mount as Black Boltwhich we hadn’t seen since the aborted series of Inhumans, which only lasted one season. On Twitterthe actor appeared very happy to have collaborated with Kevin Feige the time of his short cameo:

“Finally able to discuss it [sans] provide too many spoilers,” said Mount said in a tweet. “Receive the call of [Kevin Feige] was one of the most unexpected of my life. It was an honor and a joy to finally work [avec] Sam Raimi who contacted me to engage me on the best way to do this. Beyond gratitude for the experience. »

If the character is quickly killed by wanda like most of his colleagues, this return suggests his imminent arrival in the mcu. Assuming that it is very likely that the Mr. Fantastic by John Krasinski have a variant played by itself in the world of mcuwhy not Blackbolt ?

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Moreover, the insistent rumors about the creation of a spin-off series on the Illuminati could introduce the original group of these powerful heroes. Recall that they are initially composed of Black Bolt, Namor, Iron Man, Charles Xavier, Doctor Strange, Black Arrow and Mr. Fantastic.

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