Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel is very active on social media. She keeps sharing her glamorous photos of herself every day. The ones that go viral as soon as they are posted. Ameesha has stayed away from the acting world for a long time, but she is still active on social media. She stays connected with the fans. Ameesha continues to flaunt her toned body in her bikini. She continues to share bikini photos and videos every day. Even today, Amisha has shared a bikini video that has gone viral.
Amisha has shared a video on Instagram wearing a pink and white striped bikini. She wears a transparent shrug with it. She sees Ameesha’s killer posing in the sun. The eyes of the fans do not depart from her position.
Fans are commenting a lot on Ameesha’s post. Fans can’t take their eyes off Ameesha’s post. He’s praising Ameesha’s body a lot. A fan commented – Very beautiful sexy. On the other hand, another fan wrote: We love you Amisha Patel. Thousands of people have seen this video of Ameesha.
Speaking of the work front, Ameesha Patel will soon be making her return to the world of acting. She will be seen in Gadar 2 with Sunny Deol. The shooting of this movie has started. Ameesha shared photos from the sets when filming for the movie began. In which she is seen in the look of Sakina and Sunny Deol Tara Singh.