Home Business Amazon will allow European sellers to choose their logistics operator

Amazon will allow European sellers to choose their logistics operator

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The European sellers of Amazon You can now choose your logistics operator. As reported Internet Worldthis has been one of the changes that came into effect last June 21. Sellers are also not required to use the service ‘Buy Shipping’and the mandatory purchase of shipping labels will no longer apply.

Regarding the conditions to obtain the seal Primenow, these are applied at the product level:

  • Delivery: Prime products must be available and delivered within the specified delivery time and less. Sellers must keep this delivery promise at least 90% of the time.
  • Follow-up: The chosen logistics service provider must provide a tracking service.
  • Cancellation: To maintain the Prime seal, a maximum of 0.5% of all orders can be cancelled.
  • New delivery time metrics: A Prime product must meet certain times at the time of delivery. However, these have been adjusted so that now the fixed delivery times no longer apply and instead the primary delivery time limit is recalculated every hour depending on the current average delivery speed level.
  • Customer service: Amazon’s customer service team will continue to handle customer inquiries about orders for all Prime products, including those shipped by the seller.

These changes, explains the aforementioned medium, guarantee a greater equity between sellers What do they use Fulfillment by Amazon to benefit from the Prime seal and those retailers that manage their logistics according to the Prime standard.

In turn, from the customer’s point of view, this changes the meaning of the Prime service as “a promise of more or less firm delivery in two days” due to the new more flexible conditions. Even significantly longer shipping times can still earn a Prime stamp, especially when shipping heavy and bulky items. However, pAt the moment, the update will not change the conditions of the Prime.

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