Amazon, Google and Meta generate more than 60% of digital advertising revenue

In 2023, marketers They spent nearly $680 billion on digital advertising, up $65 billion from the previous year. According to Stocklytics data Google, Meta and Amazon generated more than 60% of global sales for digital advertising.

If we talk about the evolution of these players over the years in terms of digital advertising, so Statista datain 2019 Google generated $134.8 billion from digital advertising this year, accounting for 36% of total global market revenue. For its part, the $69.6 billion generated by Meta represented 19% of total income, while the Amazon’s $12.6 billion represented 3.4%.

In total, Since 2019, companies have spent $3 billion on digital advertising and as expected, the budget for this sector will continue to increase.

The biggest competitors on the market, Google, Meta and Amazonhave more than doubled their advertising revenue. In this context, the leader continues to exist Google, even though their income has fallen; However, Amazon has enjoyed considerable growth in recent years. In fact, statistics show that in the last five years Amazon’s market share in digital advertising has almost doubled.

In 2022, the company founded by Jeff Bezos recorded almost a record $47 billion in digital advertisingalmost four times more than in 2019, which increases the share of sales 3.4% to 6.9%.

Meta’s market share remained stable and unchanged, representing 19% of global digital advertising revenue. This year the company almost rose $132 billion in advertisingthe highest amount to date, more than double the amount in 2019.

In total, The three tech giants raised $416.6 billion in advertising in 2023. That’s almost $200 billion more than five years ago.

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The biggest advertising growth will come from Amazon

In addition to excelling Google And Goal Advertising revenue growth is expected to increase Amazon will continue its solid growth in the coming years. According to the forecast of Statista, Amazon’s advertising revenue by 2027 will increase by 60%, reaching the $70.8 billion.

This is expected this year Google’s advertising revenue rises 35% to $340.1 billionwhile those of Target will see a 7% increase up to $127.2 billion.

These numbers become even more significant when compared to the planned numbers for Amazon Statistics suggest that advertising revenue will double compared to Google and increase eightfold compared to Meta.

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